Embark on an exhilarating journey through this quiz to uncover where your true allegiance lies: hero, villain, or antihero! Discover the depths of your character and embrace the thrill as you unravel the mysteries of your inner self.
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Fantasy Character Alignment Quiz: Are you a hero, villain, or antihero?
Are you ready to unlock the secrets that define your heroic, villainous, or antiheroic nature? Take the quiz now and prepare for an adventure of self-discovery like never before!
1 / 9
You witness a bank robbery. What would you do?
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Confront them and try to stop the robbery.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsJoin them to get a share of the loot.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsStay hidden and observe the situation.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsAlert the authorities and provide information for their capture.
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2 / 9
A friend confides in you about a serious mistake they made that could harm others. What is your reaction?
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Keep their secret to protect your friendship.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsConfront them about their actions and urge them to confess.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsHelp them make amends and do the right thing.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsUse the information to your advantage without their knowledge.
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3 / 9
You have the opportunity to gain immense power at great cost. What is your decision?
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Consider the offer and weight the consequesnces before making a choice.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsDecline the offer, as power should not come at the expense of others.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsEmbrace the power, regardless of the cost.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsAccept the offer and use the power to bring positive change to the world.
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4 / 9
A tyrannical ruler is oppressing the people in your city. What action do you take?
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Seek diplomatic solutions to address the issue peacefully.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsLead a rebellion to overthrow the oppressive ruler and liberate the people.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsJoin forces with the ruler for personal gain and influence.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsMove to another city.
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5 / 9
You discover a forbidden magical artifact that could bring great destruction if misused. What do you do with it?
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Keep the artifact hidden for personal advantage in the future.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsDestroy the artifact.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsStudy the artifact to understand its powers and potential uses.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsSell the artifact to the highest bidder.
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6 / 9
A close ally betrays you for personal gain. How do you respond?
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Cut ties with them completely and move on without looking back.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsPlot revenge and seek to ruin their reputation in return.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsConfront them about their betrayal and seek to understand their motives.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsTry to turn the situation in your favor witout confronting the ally directly.
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7 / 9
A powerful enemy offers you a chance to join forces for mutual benefit. What is your decision?
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Decline the offer, as compromising your values is not an option.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsAccept the offer temporarily to gather information, then betray them.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsPretend to agree while secretly planning to sabotage their plans
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsConsider the offer and negotiate terms that align with your principles.
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8 / 9
You come across a group of innocent civilians being attacked by monsters. What is your immediate reaction?
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Use the distraction to your advantage to get away from the monsters.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsWatch from a distance without intervening in the conflict.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsRush to their aid and protect them from harm.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsAssess the situation before deciding on the best course of action.
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9 / 9
In a time of crisis, you have the chance to sacrifice yourself to save many others. What do you decide?
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Choose to sacrifice yourself witout hesitation.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsChoose not to sacrifice yourself and prioritize personal survival.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsConsider sacrificing yourself, but weigh it against what might be lost.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsTalk someone else into sacrificing themselves instead.
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Where can we email you the results? Please enter details below.
Your Result Type Aligns With Heros
Your values and qualities resonate with those of a hero. Your empathy, courage, and willingness to help others are admirable traits.
Your Result Type Aligns With Villains
Aligning as a villian isn't necessarily a bad thing as many villians have complex backgrounds and motivations that make them intriguing characters. This result reflects your independence, determination, or possibly your strong stratigic thinking skills.
Your Result Type Aligns With Antiheros
Antiheros have a mix of heroic and villainous traits, making you a complex and compelling character. This result reflects your independence, willingness to challenge norms, and your ability to make tough decisions for the greater good.